# Player Globals
GameGuru exposes these global variables to access the player's properties:
-- The player's current X angle
g_PlayerAngX = 90
-- The player's current Y angle
g_PlayerAngY = 90
-- The player's current Z angle
g_PlayerAngZ = 90
g_PlayerController = nil
-- Amount of time in TODO since the player has died
g_PlayerDeadTime = 1000
-- Flag indicating whether or not the player's flashlight is enabled
g_PlayerFlashlight = 1
-- The player's current field of view angle
g_PlayerFOV = 90
-- The total ammo count of the player's current weapon
g_PlayerGunAmmoCount = 30
-- The ammo count remaining in the clip of the player's current weapon
g_PlayerGunClipCount = 30
-- The number of weapons the player is currently holding
g_PlayerGunCount = 5
-- Flag indicating whether or not the player just fired their weapon
g_PlayerGunFired = 1
-- The ID of the player's current weapon
g_PlayerGunID = 42
g_PlayerGunMode = nil
-- The name of the player's current weapon
g_PlayerGunName = 'MyGun'
-- Flag indicating whether or not the player's current weapon is zoomed
g_PlayerGunZoomed = 1
-- The player's current health
g_PlayerHealth = 100
-- The amount of time in TODO since the player was last hurt
g_PlayerLastHitTime = 1000
-- The player's remaning lives
g_PlayerLives = 3
-- The player's object number
g_PlayerObjNo = 42
-- The X coordinate of the player's current position
g_PlayerPosX = 100
-- The Y coordinate of the player's current position
g_PlayerPosY = 100
-- The Z coordinate of the player's current position
g_PlayerPosZ = 100
-- Flag indicating whether or not third person mode is enabled
g_PlayerThirdPerson = 1
g_PlayerUnderwaterMode = 1