# ParticlesAddEmitterEx(...args)

Parameter Type Description
emitterId number The emitter ID
animationSpeed number The speed of the particle sprite animation (1 with 64-frame sprite = 65 frames per second, 0.5 with 64-frame sprite = 32 frames per second, ...)
startsOffRandomAngle number A flag indicating whether or not the emitter should begin emitting at a random angle (0 = false, 1 = true)
offsetMinX number The minimum distance (units) along the X axis relative to the emitter that a particle can spawn
offsetMinY number The minimum distance (units) along the Y axis relative to the emitter that a particle can spawn
offsetMinZ number The minimum distance (units) along the Z axis relative to the emitter that a particle can spawn
offsetMaxX number The maximum distance (units) along the X axis relative to the emitter that a particle can spawn
offsetMaxY number The maximum distance (units) along the Y axis relative to the emitter that a particle can spawn
offsetMaxZ number The maximum distance (units) along the Z axis relative to the emitter that a particle can spawn
scaleStartMin number The minimum size a particle can be when spawned (1 = normal)
scaleStartMax number The maximum size a particle can be when spawned (1 = normal)
scaleEndMin number The minimum size a particle can be by the end of its life (1 = normal)
scaleEndMax number The maximum size a particle can be by the end of its life (1 = normal)
movementSpeedMinX number The minimum speed at which a particle can travel along the X axis (units per frame)
movementSpeedMinY number The minimum speed at which a particle can travel along the Y axis (units per frame)
movementSpeedMinZ number The minimum speed at which a particle can travel along the Z axis (units per frame)
movementSpeedMaxX number The maximum speed at which a particle can travel along the X axis (units per frame)
movementSpeedMaxY number The maximum speed at which a particle can travel along the Y axis (units per frame)
movementSpeedMaxZ number The maximum speed at which a particle can travel along the Z axis (units per frame)
rotateSpeedMinZ number The minimum rotation speed of a particle (clockwise > 0, counter-clockwise < 0)
rotateSpeedMaxZ number The maximum rotation speed of a particle (clockwise > 0, counter-clockwise < 0)
lifeMin number The minimum lifetime of a particle in milliseconds
lifeMax number The maximum lifetime of a particle in milliseconds
alphaStartMin number The minimum start transparency of a particle (0 = transparent, 100 = opaque)
alphaStartMax number The maximum start transparency of a particle (0 = transparent, 100 = opaque)
alphaEndMin number The minimum end transparency of a particle (0 = transparent, 100 = opaque)
alphaEndMax number The maximum end transparency of a particle (0 = transparent, 100 = opaque)
frequency number The rate in milliseconds at which the emitter spawns particles
e number The ID of the entity which this emitter should attach to (-1 = attach to player)
limbIndex number The entity limbindex which this emitter should attach to (0 = default)
image number The image ID to use as the particle sprite sheet (see ParticlesLoadImage)
size number The number of frames in the particle sprite sheet

# Details

Identical to ParticlesAddEmitter except for the addition of four parameters for extra control over the emitter. See ParticlesAddEmitter for more information.

# Example

local emitterId = ParticlesGetFreeEmitter()

  emitterId,       -- emitter ID
  1,               -- animation speed
  1,               -- starts off at random angle
  -5, -5, -5,      -- minimum offsets
  5, 5, 5,         -- maximum offsets
  5, 25,           -- start scales
  0, 1,            -- end scales
  -0.25, 0, -0.25, -- minimum movement speeds
  0.25, 0, 0.25,   -- maximum movement speeds
  0, 0.25,         -- rotation speeds
  1000, 5000,      -- lifetime
  50, 75,          -- start transparency
  0, 10,           -- end transparency
  100,             -- frequency
  -1,              -- entity ID
  0,               -- limb index
  1,               -- image ID
  64               -- image size